

The following programs/libraries are required to run PyCI:

The following programs/libraries are required to build PyCI:

Some header-only C++ libraries are downloaded automatically:

Some public domain C++ libraries are included directly with the source code:

Install dependencies#

The programs required to build and run PyCI can be installed with your operating system’s package manager.

E.g., for Debian- or Ubuntu- based Linux systems:

sudo apt-get install make git gcc python3 python3-devel python3-pip

The required Python packages can then be installed with pip:

python3 -m pip install numpy scipy pytest pycodestyle pydocstyle

Download PyCI#

Run the following in your shell to download PyCI via git:

git clone && cd pyci

Install PyCI#

Run the following to build and install PyCI:

python3 -m pip install .

Run the following to test PyCI:

make test

Build documentation#

Run the following in your shell to install PanDoc via your system’s package manager. E.g., for Debian- or Ubuntu- based Linux systems:

sudo apt-get install pandoc

Run the following in your shell to install the packages required to build the documentation via pip:

python3 -m pip install pandoc sphinx nbsphinx sphinx-rtd-theme jupyter-notebook

Then, after building PyCI, run the following to build the HTML documentation:

cd doc && make html